In 1955, Archbishop Leo Binz initiated correspondence with Msgr. James Kearn, pastor of St. Matthew Parish, and Msgr. Maurice Sheehy, pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, concerning the need to establish a new parish to serve the needs of Catholics in northeast Cedar Rapids, Hiawatha and Robins. After much deliberation the present parish site was purchased in 1958.
The nucleus of the new faith community was made up of members of St. Matthew and Immaculate Conception parishes. Msgr. Maurice Sheehy and his associate pastor, Father Dean Walz, were given the responsibility of forming the parish community and building the new parish facility. In the beginning they met at the chapel of Regis High School for Sunday Eucharist. At the insistence of Msgr. Sheehy the new parish was dedicated to the newly canonized saint, Pius X. St. Pius X was officially established as a parish in 1959.
The first building was completed in 1961. This served as the parish school, and the gymnasium was the parish church until 1971.
In 1970, under the direction of the new pastor, Father John Sims, plans were developed for a parish church, parish offices and a residence for the parish priests. The new church was dedicated by Archbishop James J. Byrne on Jan. 31, 1971.
In 1972, Father Bernard Collins became pastor of the parish. During his time as pastor additional classrooms were added to the school, as were offices for the Religious Education Program.
Father Joseph O’Brien was assigned as pastor in July 1982 and served until July 1993. Father O’Brien added a kindergarten room and three additional classrooms to the school. Also during that time the priests’ residence was remodeled for additional offices for the increasing parish staff, Pastors Hall was constructed and the priests moved to the rectory at 1500 48th St. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA.
St. Pius X Parish grew like the biblical mustard seed over the years until it included nearly 2,500 households. In July 1989, Archbishop Daniel W. Kucera established St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Hiawatha, and 450 families from St. Pius X joined the new parish.
Father Donald Klein became the pastor of St. Pius X on July 13, 1993. In August 1998, St. Pius X, with all other Cedar Rapids area parishes, rejoiced in the opening of the new Xavier Catholic High School. In August 2002, Regis was reopened as an area middle school. In November 2003, three new classrooms were added to St. Pius X School.
On June 5, 2004, Archbishop Hanus dedicated the newly renovated St. Pius X Church, the new St. Pius X Hall, youth center, meeting rooms, resource library and child-care area. Our “Dare to Dream” became a reality.
Father Philip Thompson was appointed pastor on July 13, 2010, upon Father Klein’s retirement. Fr. Thompson was involved in the launch of the addition of St. Pius X Early Learning Center building with the opening in August of 2014. In June of 2018, we celebrated Fr. Thompson's milestone of his 40th Ordination Anniversary. During Fr. Thompson's tenure, he guided our parish through the trials and tribulations of worship changes due to COVID as well as the destruction of a derecho storm to our Church on August 10, 2020. Fr. Thompson led us in worship in Pius Hall for seven months while our church was being rehabiliated after the storm damages. On Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021, we returned to our Church with new lighting, sound system, carpet and pews in a new configuration.
Father Jon Seda was appointed pastor on July 12, 2022, upon Father Thompson's retirement. He continues to lead a vibrant Catholic faith community in the long tradition that has gone before us. We move forward in hope to further the Kingdom of God among us.
The current membership total is 3,652 in 1,524 households.
Msgr. Maurice Sheehy
Fr. John Sims
Fr. Bernard Collins
Fr. Joseph O’Brien
Fr. Donald Klein
Fr. Philip Thompson