A big question has been floating around for a while… I really want to know the name of the person I see at Mass, when will we get a new parish directory so I can find them?
I am here to answer that question for you. The answer is, as soon as you sign up! Like James and John ask Jesus to do for them, I ask you to do this for me, for each other. We do not come to be served, but to serve. Go get registered on the new parish directory website, make sure your contact information is correct, and upload your photo! Serve each other. More information about this went out in the Pius Notes this past week, in another email from me, is in the gathering space of the church, and is on our website. Of course you can always contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for making this new parish directory a success by being part of the process! Go to crpiusx.org/parish-directory for all of the information about it.
P.S. You can go introduce yourself to those people and find out who they are. Then go to the directory, get their info and send them an email or a card in the real mail and let them know how happy you are to know them. Parish directory for the win! But of course if you don’t have your information in there, there is no chance to get that fun mail. I don’t know about you, but I like fun mail. Karissa Forde