The Social Justice Commission responds to those in need, both in St. Pius X Parish, as well as, in the community at large. The Social Teachings of the Catholic Church are the basis of the commission’s activities. The yearly budget is determined by the monies received from St. Pius parishioners in the Social Justice pink envelopes and in the coins collected each weekend. St. Pius Parish also supports many other outreach centers in the Cedar Rapids Metro area through financial and volunteer assistance.
Your donations help provide a monthly donation to the following:
In February 2012, the eleven Catholic Parishes of the Cedar Rapids Metro area worked collaboratively to create and open Metro Catholic Outreach (MCO). This center provides a food pantry, call center for referrals and assistance, plus limited financial assistance for those in need in the Cedar Rapids area. Your donations of food, sundries and other items provide to our community in need.
Every week SPX Parishioners provide these services for MCO Donations:
Sanctity of Life Committee
"Recognizing that all life is a gift from God made in His image and likeness, the St. Pius X Sanctity of Life Committee
defends the sacredness and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death."
Social Justice Commission
The Social Justice Committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm in Pastor’s Hall. New members are always welcomed!
Current members