Together with your presider you will decide whether your wedding liturgy will be a Mass (Form 1: “Matrimony within Mass”) or a Ceremony (Form 2: “Matrimony without Mass”). Page 10 of the Together for Life book provides an outline of each liturgy.
Before you meet with the St. Pius Director of Liturgy
Select your vows and prayers from the Together for Life book:
Select your Intercessions (Universal Prayer) – either J1 or J2. Choose someone to read these.
Select your music by listening to the sample recordings on our parish website. The Director of Liturgy will provide you with instructions on how to access them. Choose songs that reflect the style and texts which best fit your personalities and your understanding of marriage. If there are other songs in our Music Issue that you like, which are not listed on the website, talk to the Director of Liturgy about including them at your wedding.
Contact the Director of Liturgy to set up a meeting at least two months prior to your wedding date.
Music for the wedding expresses your faith, joy, gratitude, love, and hope for the blessings of life. It reflects God’s love for all of us. Plan for popular and secular music at your reception, not at the wedding ceremony or even before the ceremony. Music invites participation on the part of everyone, both Catholic and non-Catholic.
Choose your music ministers carefully. The accompanist (pianist/organist) and cantor (song leader) lead the music. Their leadership of and interaction with the assembly’s song is crucial.
Pre-recorded music is not allowed.
The procession is much more than the bride’s grand entrance. Christian marriage does not consist of “giving a woman away,” but of a covenant relationship undertaken by two equal partners. An inclusive procession acknowledges the transition for the bride and groom from their families of origin to the new family they are creating through marriage.
Your options for the entrance procession are:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3